Monday, March 22, 2010

how was your weekend?

My weekend was so much fun. Friday night Brandon took me out to dinner and then we went to blockbuster and got law abiding citizens. It was a pretty good movie, even though it was creepy as hell. Saturday i went to the beach with Rachael and Vitor. I saw Alina and we hung out with her for a bit. Then after Rachael left me and Vitor went to Brus room. We saw the biggest dog their named bear and the guy said it was half dog half wolf. Saturday night Brandon came over again and we just hung out in his car cause their was nothing else to do. Sunday i got my permit it was really easy. Then Erik Fisher came over with his sister and we talked about baseball cause hes like obsessed with it, hes on the Pompano Varsity team. And then after everybody left i took a shower and went to bed.

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