Thursday, March 18, 2010

how was your day yesterday?

My day yesterday was so much fun! I couldn't go to practice because i left my softball stuff in my dad's car and he was at the airport. But i got it back so i can play today. Then i went to Cici's with my boyfriend Brandon and Danny Alois. Then we were bored so we went back to my house and played the Wii. I won bowling and golf and Danny won something else. Brandon didn't haha! Then we played basketball with my brother outside, i didn't play i had to guard his car from getting hit. After that Brandon dropped Danny off at his house and we rented a movie at Blockbuster. We got the Stepfather and we watched it in my backyard. It was a pretty good movie but nobody important died so it was a crappy scary movie. Then after he left i went to bed

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