Tuesday, March 23, 2010

violent video games

No. I do not think that violent video games make kids more violent. Most video games are violent and but i do not think that they make kids to act violent also. Most video games have guns and cars knifes and murder, And kids probably wish they could do that in real life but you don't hear about it on the news so its obviously not happening. In my opinion its how the parents raise their kids that make them violent. But if a kid was playing a violent game and supposedly it made them violent, and the parent doesn't control them and teach them right from wrong then yes that would make them violent.

Monday, March 22, 2010

how was your weekend?

My weekend was so much fun. Friday night Brandon took me out to dinner and then we went to blockbuster and got law abiding citizens. It was a pretty good movie, even though it was creepy as hell. Saturday i went to the beach with Rachael and Vitor. I saw Alina and we hung out with her for a bit. Then after Rachael left me and Vitor went to Brus room. We saw the biggest dog their named bear and the guy said it was half dog half wolf. Saturday night Brandon came over again and we just hung out in his car cause their was nothing else to do. Sunday i got my permit it was really easy. Then Erik Fisher came over with his sister and we talked about baseball cause hes like obsessed with it, hes on the Pompano Varsity team. And then after everybody left i took a shower and went to bed.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

how was your day yesterday?

My day yesterday was so much fun! I couldn't go to practice because i left my softball stuff in my dad's car and he was at the airport. But i got it back so i can play today. Then i went to Cici's with my boyfriend Brandon and Danny Alois. Then we were bored so we went back to my house and played the Wii. I won bowling and golf and Danny won something else. Brandon didn't haha! Then we played basketball with my brother outside, i didn't play i had to guard his car from getting hit. After that Brandon dropped Danny off at his house and we rented a movie at Blockbuster. We got the Stepfather and we watched it in my backyard. It was a pretty good movie but nobody important died so it was a crappy scary movie. Then after he left i went to bed

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

do you hink our cafe should have outdoor vendors

Yes i think that Monarch's cafe should have more outdoor vendors. If we had more vendors their would be a lot more variety. And if theirs more variety i think that a lot more kids would eat at the school. Also if more kids eat at the school then Monarch would make much more money then it does now only having Pizza Hut. But if there was for example Burger King and Taco Bell i think their would be twice as many people eating. I know i would eat more if their were different vendors. But some would have to be healthy too.

Monday, March 15, 2010

how was your weekend?

My weekend was so fun! Friday night i wen to Brus room with Brandon, Harper, Harper's boyfriend, and Nicole. Saturday i went to the beach with Rachael it wasn't that hot but i got a really bad sunburn so did Daniel Donnely and Brandon though. Then we all went back to my pool and hung out their till like six. Daniel wanted to meet my mom so we went back to my house, he calls her momma surprise. Then Me and Brandon went to Tradewinds and played kickball with Nicole, Harper, her boyfriend, Brandon, Mikey, and some other people. It was pretty fun, after that we went to dairy queen. Sunday i had to clean and do errands with my mom. I hung out with Erik Fisher and his sister for a bit and their coming over next weekend.

Friday, March 12, 2010

what are your plans for the weekend?

My plans for the weekend are kinda ruined now that its raining. Tonight i was suppose to play deerfield at an away game. And after Brandon was going to pick me up and we were going to have dinner. But the game is probably going to be cancelled and he still has to go to football practice and were probably not going to be able to go swimming. And Saturday i was suppose to go to the beach with my friends Rachael but i heard that it was going to be like 40 degrees and crappy all weekend so that probably wont happen. Ill still hang out with them but who knows what were gonna do. and Sunday i don't know what am doing yet

Thursday, March 11, 2010

do you think schools should give the fcat

No, i don't think that schools should have the fact. The fcat to me seems extremely pointless. They make such a big deal about it when college's cant even see them. Also it doesn't even count towards your grade. In my opinion the midterm and finals are way more important than the fcat is. All year teachers prepare you for the fcat and they teach you the most complicated things thinking its going to be on the fcat. And in reality the hardest problem is the easiest thing you have done all year. To me it just seems like a waste of time. Instead of looking at your fcat grades for your classes next year they should look at your actual grades.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

how was the first day of Fcat?

The first day of Fcat was really boring. I have Dr.Reynolds as a teacher. Shes not the brightest candle on the cake. But shes nice i guess, And the Fcat in general was really easy. The only frustrating part about the Fcat is that its so long. Its two hours for like 50 questions when you can answer them in like a half an hour. So after its done you have to just sit their and do nothing for the rest of the time. But after it was all done i hung out with Nina an Jeffery. And tomorrow we have math. JOY

Monday, March 8, 2010

how was your weekend ?

My weekend was pretty fun. Friday during the game their was SO much drama it was unbelievable. We lost, and at the end coach was screaming because some girl said she was gonna peg the ball at someone else. I felt really bad because everybody was crying but coach was right they need to get over themselves. After that Brandon came over and we watched taken and changeling. It was kind of boring but i guess its the whole "spending time" that counts. Saturday i got ready for Nina's quince it was so much fun, my legs hurt so bad from dancing still. Then on Sunday after i left Katelyn's house i dint do anything because i was suppose to go to the fair with Brandon but he thought id be sleeping all day since i got home so late so he couldn't come.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What are your plans for the weekend?

This weekend is going to be so fun! Today i have a game against coral springs i think were going to win. Then later Brandon Bloomquist is coming over for dinner so he can meet my parents, am so nervous! Then after that i am going to my friend Katelyn's house and were gonna hang out i don't know what were going to do its usually boring but i promised her wede hang out so i really don't have a choice. Saturday am going to tan and get ready for Nina's birthday party thing. I have to tan cause my dress is black and it makes me look really white. Then on Sunday i am hanging out with Brandon again. I think we are either going to the beach or watching a movie. Whichever one we decide. But its going to be really fun and i cant wait for the weekend to start.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why is it a good idea to know how to navigate the internet?

It is a good idea to know how to navigate the Internet for many reasons. One reason is if you are doing a project it would probably be a good idea to know how and where to get your information from. Also you have to know whether or not its a good site with legit information or a bad one. When you have a job its also good to know how to navigate the Internet because if you don't know how to then you cant do reports or search information possibly on other company's that you are going up against. Overall it is a good thing to know how to navigate the Internet.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

listen to directions the first time the are given ?

It is a good thing to listen to directions the first time they are given. When you don't listen to directions you miss out on what the teacher says. Then you have absolutely no idea what to do and you have to ask again. When you ask again it makes the teacher frustrated and it looks bad on you. All you have to do is listen for like maybe 5 minutes i don't see how that's a hard thing to do. When you don't know what to do and they explained it, it makes you seem so stupid and like your deaf or something. In my opinion its just easier to listen to directions the first time they are given so that you don't miss anything or get into trouble.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

if you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

If i were stranded on an island and i only had 3 things i would freak out. I would bring a cell phone because i could call somebody to pick me up. I wouldn't have to worry about having no signal because i have a good plan. Also i would bring a knife because then i could possibly survive. I don't know what i would use the knife for but in every survival show they have a knife so am sure it will come in handy someway. The last thing i would bring is a jumbo lighter. A jumbo lighter would help make fires. And i would not have to rub sticks together. But i don't think i would be able to survive on an island by myself.