Tuesday, January 26, 2010

where i see myself in 5 years ?

In 5 years i see myself hopefully having a good job and making lots of money. I also hope i still have all of my really close friends from high school. In five years i will definitely be in college hopefully playing softball. I dint know which college but one with a good team because i want to win and become better. I also hope that i will be in love and have been for a while but who knows ?
Am not sure if it'll be possible because its so expensive but i want to be able to be living in a house not by myself either with a boyfriend or some close friends. Also me and my best friend already planned on going to Canada at least twice if not more. And i know that in 5 years if i am living in my own house that my brother will have to live with me, and am fine with that, but hopefully hell be better in 5 years and no how to do things on his own and not have to have me helping him all the time. And he cant work so ill have to pay for him too so i definitely need a good job.So i have big expectations for myself in the next five years but i am confident that they will happen.

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