Monday, January 25, 2010

how was your weekend?explain?

My weekend horrible and good at the same time. Friday had to be the worst day ever, i hung out with Emilio at the pool, and then went to my friend Gina's house. When i was at my friend Gina's house she told me that she was "talking to my boyfriend" and they kissed! Gin as one of my best friends and she was always saying how she couldn't trust me because i don't tell her anything and now she did this. I don't even care though Emilio and Gina can be happy together, its not my problem anymore. On Saturday i hung out with my friend Noelle and we went to her dads softball tournament and i saw Mrs.Cohee their. Then when i got home my best friends Jose and Vernon came over and we hung around my neighborhood for a while. Sunday was my birthday and in the morning i opened my presents and then my best friend Rachael came over, and then a couple of my other friends came over like Gina, Noelle, Katelyn, Jose, Vernon, Dylan. We ate and hung out then we decided to go see a movie so we drove over to magnolia and saw the lovely bones. When everybody left Emilio came over and we talked then i went to bed.

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