Friday, January 29, 2010

My plans for the weekend?

My plans for the weekend are regular. Am not totally sure yet what am going to do Friday,Saturday,and Sunday. So far all i know is that on Friday i might go to the movies with some of my friends, if this one girl goes am not going to. And on Saturday am going to hang out with Jose. Am not sure what we are going to do but hes my BEST friend so it'll be fun. Maybe we will go to the pool even though he doesn't like swimming, ill just push him in. and on Sunday i think i have a tournament but am not sure and if i don't i have no idea what i am going to do. Oh and i have travel practice. I don't wanna go cause my knees hurt but i have to. So yeah my weekends gonna be pretty regular.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

rich or famous?

I would rather be rich. I would rather be rich because you could have anything in the world you want. Being rich seems alot better than being famous to me.
When your famous sure everybody loves you but you woudlnt know who your real friends are.You could have a ton of friends but they might only be your friends because your known worldwide. Also everysingle time you would walk out of the house BAM the paprazzi's their. You woudlnt be able to be like everybody else and i would hate that. Being rich your just a regular person that happens to have alot of money. I could do so much with money too. I would love to live a life and not have to worry about paying my bills on time or food.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3 thigs i wanna do before i graduate highschool

Three things i wanna do before i graduate is go on a road trip with my friends, Hit a home run, and have a party. I wanna go on a road trip because their so fun. Am going to go with 5 of my closest friends, even though we have to wait to get our license's. I wanna go to the coolest places in America am not sure were but ill figure it out. Before i graduate i want to hit a home run, i don't know how far the fence is but it doesn't look that far. By the end of my senior year i better have hit one over the fence. Also i want to have a party, i love going to party's. But my mom doesn't let me have them because she doesn't wanna get in "trouble." But by the end of high school i am going to have my own and its gonna be so much fun. And those are the three things i want to do before i graduate high school.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

where i see myself in 5 years ?

In 5 years i see myself hopefully having a good job and making lots of money. I also hope i still have all of my really close friends from high school. In five years i will definitely be in college hopefully playing softball. I dint know which college but one with a good team because i want to win and become better. I also hope that i will be in love and have been for a while but who knows ?
Am not sure if it'll be possible because its so expensive but i want to be able to be living in a house not by myself either with a boyfriend or some close friends. Also me and my best friend already planned on going to Canada at least twice if not more. And i know that in 5 years if i am living in my own house that my brother will have to live with me, and am fine with that, but hopefully hell be better in 5 years and no how to do things on his own and not have to have me helping him all the time. And he cant work so ill have to pay for him too so i definitely need a good job.So i have big expectations for myself in the next five years but i am confident that they will happen.

Monday, January 25, 2010

how was your weekend?explain?

My weekend horrible and good at the same time. Friday had to be the worst day ever, i hung out with Emilio at the pool, and then went to my friend Gina's house. When i was at my friend Gina's house she told me that she was "talking to my boyfriend" and they kissed! Gin as one of my best friends and she was always saying how she couldn't trust me because i don't tell her anything and now she did this. I don't even care though Emilio and Gina can be happy together, its not my problem anymore. On Saturday i hung out with my friend Noelle and we went to her dads softball tournament and i saw Mrs.Cohee their. Then when i got home my best friends Jose and Vernon came over and we hung around my neighborhood for a while. Sunday was my birthday and in the morning i opened my presents and then my best friend Rachael came over, and then a couple of my other friends came over like Gina, Noelle, Katelyn, Jose, Vernon, Dylan. We ate and hung out then we decided to go see a movie so we drove over to magnolia and saw the lovely bones. When everybody left Emilio came over and we talked then i went to bed.