Monday, February 8, 2010

how was your weekend

My weekend was so fun. On Friday i went shopping with my best friend Rachael. After that we hung out with Sean and Ryan and a bunch of other kids i don't even know. Then on Saturday i had my first preseason game and we did so good. We won 17 to 7 and i caught a lot. It was my first high school varsity game and it was amazing. Then when i got home i hung out with Rachael and Katelyn. After they left i went over to Emilio's house for like and hour then came back home and Katelyn came over. Around like 10we wanted ice cream so we drove over to McDonald's and my friends were their so we hung out with them for a while. And on Sunday me and Rachael hung out with Emilio and then we went to my parents Superbowl party and Mattheus came over.

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