Thursday, February 4, 2010

eat lunch off campus ?

Lunch time is when you ca hang out with your friends and eat. I think its the one time of the day besides the end of the day that students look forward to the most. And not everybody eats lunch because they don't like it or maybe their allergic to it. In my opinion students should be able to eat lunch off campus. The promenade is right next to monarch so that would be easier for people who don't have cars to go off if they wanted. Also the food stores in the promenade would get a good amount of business every single day. I think students should have the freedom to eat where they want. Maybe the reason we cant eat off campus is because some people just don't come back from lunch. Also because its a big rush for students who drive when they all go into the parking lot at once. But really its the same as before and after school when they try to get in and out of the parking lot as fast as possible.

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