Monday, June 7, 2010

what are you doing over the summer?

I dont exactly no what i am going to do over summer all i know is i am deffinitly going to hangout with my friends EVERY day, party, and play softball. Ihave to hangout with Daniel, Dean, Baltimore, Cletus, and Jossie. I cant wait for summer it is going to be so much fun. I love hanging out with Daniel he is like my best friend i tell him everything. And Dean and Baltimore are so funny so is Cletus. I am going to go to the beach EVERY single day and get sooooo tan.

Friday, June 4, 2010

what are your plans for the weekend

ALL weekend i have a softball tournament. I cant wait because we won our last one so hopefully we can win again. I have games all day saturday and sunday our single elimination so we have to be amazing !

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

how was your weekend?

My Weekend was so fun. Friday i hung out with Jorden until he had to go to Football then at night me, him and Hannah went to this girl Sammie's surprise birthday party it was okkay i guess. Then on Saturday i tanned and i hung out with my best friend Rachael and cleaned my whole house. Sunday i went to a Barbecue at Pompano Beach it was so fun i got sun burnt though. Later that night i went to see Prince of persia with my Boyfriend Sergio, Dalton, His girlfriend, Daniel, Taylor, Kala, And some other kid. Monday i went to the beach with Jorden and then we went to Brus Room. After that we went back to my house and me and him watched Shawshank Redemption.