Monday, May 24, 2010

how was your weekend

My weekend was amazing. Friday Jossie and Jorden came over and we hung out and watched t.v it was pretty funny. Then Saturday and Sunday we had an all day tournament. We did so amazing we won all of our games. And in the championships i got the game winning hit. It was so amazing i have never been so pumped in my life ! We have never played like that ever ! Then because i guess my dad got really excited too he made all of my favorite foods and everyone came to my house to celebrate. My weekend was so fun !

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

if you could live anywhere where would you live?

If i could live anywhere i think i would pick Florida. Unlike everybody else i love living in Florida its perfect. Theirs only like three months out of the year were its cold and its a perfect cold where you can sit outside and roast marshmallows but not too cold that you need a huge skidoosuite. Also everything is conveniently located where i want it up in the higher states you have to sometimes drive like 20 minutes to get to the store but i can walk to the Deerfield Mall and have everything i could possibly need in not even two minutes.

Monday, May 17, 2010

how was your weekend

My weekend was so fun. Friday i went on a date with Sergio. We watched a movie it was pretty fun. Saturday i had a tournament and it was also my moms birthday so we had a party at my house after. David and Brendon came over t see my mom. Then sunday i had finals in my tournament and we lost but it was a really close game. Then my friend Sean came over to show me all of his pictures from prom.

how was your weekend

Friday, May 14, 2010

What are your plans for the weekend?

My plans for the weekend are okkay. Tonight i am going to the movies with Sergio i dont know what were going to see but i want to se Shrek3. Then on Sturday i have a tournament in West Boca and Brandon and Daniel are coming to watch me play. Then at night i am going to brandons house and were going to watch a movie. And its my moms birthdayy. Sunday i have the rest of my tournment to finish

Monday, May 10, 2010

how was your weekend?

My weekend was pretty fun. Friday i went to the movies with Jorden and Sergio we went to see Iron man 2. It was a pretty good movie and when we got out i saw like half the football team so we talked to them for a while. Then Saturday i had the two a days for football. For the two hour break Me and Donnelly went back to Brandons house and relaxed until we had to go back. Then Saturday night i hung out with Jossie and Rachael. Sunday i gave my mom her gift and took her shopping because i never go shopping with her. Then David came over because my mom loves him and we hung out with her and watched movies and ate dinner.

Friday, May 7, 2010

what are you plans for the weekend?

I cant wait for this weekend. Tonight me, Jorden and Sergio are going to see iron man2. Saturday i have to watergirl for football. Its a two a days so its going to be so long. And for the two hour break i am going to hang out with Brandon cause i don't wanna stay in the hot sun all day. Sunday i have softball practice and i am going to hang out with some friends after for a while.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

do you think fridays should always be half days

Yes i think that every Friday should be a half a day. I don't think that just because i am a student and i want to get out of school early.It also has some benefits, For example some kids have jobs and if every Friday was a half a day then those kids with jobs would have at least 4 more hours of work which is very god for them. Also on a sports team the games would be earlier and they wouldn't run so late the only down side is most parents work and they wouldn't be ale to come to the games

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

why is it important to finish highschool

It is important to finish high school for so many reasons. First of all and probably the biggest reason is that without a high school diploma the variety of careers is so limited. Their are not many real jobs that will hire someone without a high school diploma because it shows that you did not even have the perseverance to finish the school so why would they want to hire you and that's bad long term also. because the lower education you have the less you get payed the smaller house you can afford and they less kids and bills you can afford so finishing high school is a very important aspect to the beginning of your life.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

whats your favorite late night snack

My favorite late night snack is ice cream. I love eating ice cream at like two in the morning. When i just get home and am sort of tired but i want to watch t.v i go into the kitchen, make a huge bowl of vanilla ice cream and watch t.v in the living room. But if i don't have ice cream i can settle for Popsicles but i would much rather have ice cream.

Monday, May 3, 2010

How was your weekend

My weekend was pretty good. Friday i went to a party with my friend Urbano and Ralf D. It was really wierd and i had to come home earlyier cause i had to babysit. Saturday i had watergirl practice for the football team. It was really fun. I guess it was a two hour practice then a two hour break and another two hour practice. I wasnt about to go all the way home just to come back so i went to Brandons house instead. Then at night i went to the movies with Jorden and we went to see kick ass even though weve already seen it. Then sunday i had a softball fundraising thing at publi and we raised 137 dollars. Then i went monthers day shopping, Went to the pool for a bit, and david came over.