Wednesday, April 28, 2010

why do schools have fire drills ?

I think schools have fire drills because it shows them were the escape route is in case their is an actual fire. If we did not no were to go when their was a fire i am sure this school would be in absolute chaos with hundreds of students running around tying to get out of the school. Kids would be running around loose and the teachers would not be able to keep track of them and make sure that they are out of the building safely.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Describe your favorite meal?

My favorite meal is grilled cheese sandwich. I love them so much especially when they have a lot of cheese in them. My dad makes the best grilled cheese sandwich but second best is definitely Rafael Diaz. He came over Saturday night and my parents were not home and i was hungry so he attempted to make me a grilled cheese sandwich. We dint have a spatula so he used a fork but it still came out SO good. I was amazed and that's why grilled cheese sandwiches are my favorite food.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

why is it important to listen to instructions?

It is important to listen to directions because if you dont then you sound extremly stupid asking for them again. Also when you are grown up and you have a job and your boss tells you how to do something you are most deffinitly not going to impress him by asking to repeat himslef if anything thats a little risky.

Monday, April 19, 2010

how was your weekend?

My weekend was pretty good i guess. Friday i hung out with my best friends Vitor, Rachael, and David. We hung out at rachaels house and cooked then we wentout for a bit to go meet up with this kid Marcus. Then it started like pouring rain so we went to my house. Saturday i went on a double date kinda thing with jorden rafael and my friends rachael. except rachael dint even show up hahaha . Sunday i went to my first travel tournament we won all our games so it was pretty fun.

Friday, April 16, 2010

what are your plans this weekend

Tonight i am going to hang out with some of my friends and were going to just hang out and play football. Then saturday i am going to go get my teeth whitened, My friends mom is a dentist and she said she would do it for free so i have to go get trays i think. After that am going to the movies with jorden and Rafael. after that i am going to go to my friend Davids house and hes having a whole bunch of friends over. On sunday i have a travel tournament. Its the first one this season and i really hope we do good.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

what would youy buy with 500$

If i had 500 dollars i think the first thing i wopuld buy is a new phone. I have had this phone for over a year and a half and it is so crappy. The screen is almost completly scrashed. The back is horribaly damaged and theirs nothing i can do about it. I am bored with this phone now, sometimes the buttons dont work because i have dropped it so much. I would want to buy a touch screen phone like the HTC or something.thats what i would buy if i had 500$.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

why do you think students are protesting

I think students are protesting because many of us love art and the more art programs they cut the less and less we are going to be able to experience the fine art throughout our high school lives. I think its very stupid of them to do that instead of cutting art they should cut something else like supplies or something because some kids plan on having a career in fine arts or something related t that in which you need to take art classes and if they are cutting the programs than they cannot commit or gain that experience to art for their possible career choice.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Should every student have a laptop at monarch?

No i do not think that every student should have a laptop. I don't think every student should have a laptop because their are so many immature and irresponsible kids a monarch that would definitely break it. And then eventually the school would be tired of kids breaking the laptops and their would be no more to use. Also it would be so much to take care of and to carry around on a daily basis. And i am pretty sure that we would not be able to go on Facebook or anything so it really wouldn't be fun at all.

Friday, April 9, 2010

school spitrit

If i had a chance to change monarchs school spirit i would have WAY more spirit week stuff like instead of just having it once a year have it like 3 or 4 times a year because its a time to show your school spirit and its really fun. Also its a great way to dress up and eventually people would really look forward to it and go all out when the times come. When school spirit s only one week out of the year then all that's really left is the pep rally's which are really fun but still their should definitely be more to be able to show school spirit throughout the school.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

If you had $50 dollars what would you buy ?

If i had 50$ i think i would just save it. Am tired of spending all my money as soon as i get it. I need to start saving up for bigger things, for example a car. I know fifty dollars is deffinitly not going to buy a car but its a good base to start on. Especially when i get a job and it will just keep adding up so that one day i will have enough.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Describe your perfect vacation

My perfect vacation would be in hawaii. I would love to go to Hawaii because its so hot down their and i wold tan every single day. I also heard that they have amazing sea food and i like seafood too. I would also relax all day on the beach with whoever i would have with me. I ould have to have a friend with me because i would hate to get lost on an island all alone

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

how was your spring break

My spring break was pretty good. I went to the beach pretty much everysingle day with my friend Vitor Machado. After the beach brandon would pick me up and we would go hang out with his friends or just go to his house and rent a movie. We went to the pool a lot and i tanned EVERY single day.