Monday, June 7, 2010

what are you doing over the summer?

I dont exactly no what i am going to do over summer all i know is i am deffinitly going to hangout with my friends EVERY day, party, and play softball. Ihave to hangout with Daniel, Dean, Baltimore, Cletus, and Jossie. I cant wait for summer it is going to be so much fun. I love hanging out with Daniel he is like my best friend i tell him everything. And Dean and Baltimore are so funny so is Cletus. I am going to go to the beach EVERY single day and get sooooo tan.

Friday, June 4, 2010

what are your plans for the weekend

ALL weekend i have a softball tournament. I cant wait because we won our last one so hopefully we can win again. I have games all day saturday and sunday our single elimination so we have to be amazing !

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

how was your weekend?

My Weekend was so fun. Friday i hung out with Jorden until he had to go to Football then at night me, him and Hannah went to this girl Sammie's surprise birthday party it was okkay i guess. Then on Saturday i tanned and i hung out with my best friend Rachael and cleaned my whole house. Sunday i went to a Barbecue at Pompano Beach it was so fun i got sun burnt though. Later that night i went to see Prince of persia with my Boyfriend Sergio, Dalton, His girlfriend, Daniel, Taylor, Kala, And some other kid. Monday i went to the beach with Jorden and then we went to Brus Room. After that we went back to my house and me and him watched Shawshank Redemption.

Monday, May 24, 2010

how was your weekend

My weekend was amazing. Friday Jossie and Jorden came over and we hung out and watched t.v it was pretty funny. Then Saturday and Sunday we had an all day tournament. We did so amazing we won all of our games. And in the championships i got the game winning hit. It was so amazing i have never been so pumped in my life ! We have never played like that ever ! Then because i guess my dad got really excited too he made all of my favorite foods and everyone came to my house to celebrate. My weekend was so fun !

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

if you could live anywhere where would you live?

If i could live anywhere i think i would pick Florida. Unlike everybody else i love living in Florida its perfect. Theirs only like three months out of the year were its cold and its a perfect cold where you can sit outside and roast marshmallows but not too cold that you need a huge skidoosuite. Also everything is conveniently located where i want it up in the higher states you have to sometimes drive like 20 minutes to get to the store but i can walk to the Deerfield Mall and have everything i could possibly need in not even two minutes.

Monday, May 17, 2010

how was your weekend

My weekend was so fun. Friday i went on a date with Sergio. We watched a movie it was pretty fun. Saturday i had a tournament and it was also my moms birthday so we had a party at my house after. David and Brendon came over t see my mom. Then sunday i had finals in my tournament and we lost but it was a really close game. Then my friend Sean came over to show me all of his pictures from prom.

how was your weekend